Now, we all know how I feel about putting a "z" at the end of words, so my hatred for these extremely overpriced pieces of rubber is even more increased. Half the stores I walk past say "Silly Bandz Sold Here". I'm pretty sure that when they were naming these, a 3 year old was in the room, so they couldn't say what they really wanted to say, which was stupid. As in "Stupid Bandz". Also, the three year old was the one recording minutes, so a "z" was put on the end of the word by accident. Then as they discussed price, instead of putting $00.49, the 3 year old put $4.99.
I hope people realize that when these poorly shaped plastic animal bracelets are actually put on, they just look like rubber bands.
I got a new laptop. It is so cool. Does this mean more blog posts? Maybe. Does this mean more watching netflix movies online? Definitely.
Is it red? Yes. Does it start every time? Yes. Is it fast? Yes. Does it fly? No. But if it did, I'd call it "Flappy".