Monday, June 23, 2008


Our house is turning into a hotel. And not the kind of hotel you're thinking of, unless you're thinking of a hotel for cats and bugs, then you'd be thinking of exactly the kind of hotel our house is turning into.

There are holes in the screen in my room, and there are always bugs flying around my room. Then I realized, there's another window in my room, without holes in the screen. Now the bugs are gone.
Then this morning mom went into the laundry room and I heard her yell "Get out!" Apparently there was a cat in there that had come in from the garage because the doors were open to the outside. Won't make that mistake again.

All I have to say is thank goodness that Wall-e is finally coming to theaters. I swear, everytime I see those commercials I want to beat someone up, preferably the people who created it.

So, you know the saying "All dressed up and no place to go."? Yeah, I plan to stop that right now. From now on, if I don't have any plans, I'm not going to even get ready. It's frusterating. You think "Oh, I'll get ready just in case." Then you end up sitting around on the couch waiting for one of your friends to call you back. Not that I've had this experience or anything.

She's all dressed up, but she's in a photoshoot so she has a reason.

When I grow up and become rich I am going to open a grocery store. Then I am going to make signs that say "Buy 2" and purposely rip off the edge so it looks like it's going to say "Buy 2 get one free." But then when they get up the register, they'll just buy 2, cause there was really no sale. People will think it's so funny they'll keep coming back.

I think I have painted my nails ten times this weekend. I don't usually paint my nails, but I decided to last week. It's amazing how extremely difficult it is to paint your nails clear. I mean shouldn't that be the easiest to do? But no, it's so annoying because it seems it's always chunky or bumpy. Maybe I should let it dry first...

I went to Single's ward again. The Relief Society is having a book club. Three guesses what they are reading. Yes, it's Twilight. I took it as a sign. So, in other words, I'm going back.

I finally got a dress. I have been looking for one for like six months. I finally got one becuase it seemed like everyone in the ward was wearing a dress. So I got one. I conformed. I am somewhat dissapointed in myself. But it is really cute.

Then, this last week, I went and no one was wearing a dress, everyone was wearing a skirt. Apparently I didn't get the memo. That's OK, now it looks like I wasn't conforming. Ha ha! I will not conform! anymore...

1 comment:

Elizabeth said...

You know how they make trailers for movies the week after they've been in theaters with reviews flashing across the screen? That's what I'd put on yours. "GENIUS!"
i liked the Buy 2... thing the best. i l'ed.o.l (laughed out loud, see how i was trying to be tense accurate in my acronym? i thought it was clever).