Friday, May 23, 2008

Superficial but fun news.

So, I got the soundtrack to Prince Caspian last night. The music is really good, and contrary to a former comment made by myself, it is not just like the first movie soundtrack. I recommend it, especially the tracks:
"The Door in the Air"
"The Call" (by Regina Spektor)
and "This is Home" (by Switchfoot)
I haven't listened to the whole thing yet, but what I have is uncommonly pleasant.

Betsy gave me this book last night for graduating. Well technically I haven't graduated, but that's not the point. She said it's really good, and it "didn't change her life". That's a longs story. Anyway...

As one of you may know, I dyed my hair the other day. For those of you freaking out that my BEAUTIFUL dark blond hair is gone, no worries, it's only temporary. I don't think anyones really noticed the change though, so obviously it's not that big of a change. It was to me, but I do look in the mirror everyday and know my own face and hair pretty well.

And last but not least, I bought some doublemint gum yesterday, and was a little concerned when I opened a piece and it looked like there was mold growing all over it. My shock came all of the sudden, but vanished just as quickly when I realized it was just the green mint in the gum. Just to let you know, the packaging for the popular gum has been changed to a much more convenient little case that closes so you don't have sticks of gum all over your purse and/or car when it topples over.


The Clifts said...

I'm glad to see you have joined the blogging community. I was laughing so hard when I read it. I think you are one of the funniest people I know because you can make the mundane hilarious! Can't wait to see you next week.

The Clifts said...

Oh, not that your life is mundane...but it is. j/k

Elizabeth said...

no joke, charlie just typed that.
i like your random stuff, it's fun to read.
oh, and when you come next week i'll show you how to add videos from YouTube and how to make links to other websites in your posts.

Elizabeth said...

oh, forgot to say, i really like your hair.