Pulling Teeth.
So the other day I walked into my room and thought "Oh no! I've been robbed!" Then I looked more closely and realized that it was just because I hadn't picked up my room. Basically it was the same as always.
3 Musketeers.
Which brings me to my next topic: beverages. I like soy milk. I don't know why. All the signs tell me that I shouldn't. For instance, it's made of soy. Isn't tofu made of soy? That should tip me off right there, yet it's so delicious I can hardly resist. I don't like regular milk, so it's a good thing soy milk is "calcium fortified". Dodged a bullet there.
Love- hate relationships.
I have been discovering some of my own personal love-hate relationships.
First off: movies. Nothing happens in real life like in the movies. It stinks. You think "Cool. I wish that would happen to me." Well, get over it, and get a reality check, because I am here to guarantee you that it will never happen that way.
So, I love movies, because they are entertaining, but I hate them because I realize it won't happen, and I've been given false hope. This doesn't apply to all movies however, for instance, action movies are fun to watch, but you don't want to be in thier situation, so they are just a love- love situation.
Books are even worse. It's the same story. Ha ha. Well, not literally, but they also give false hope. Puh huh. Then there's the fact that if it's a series, you may love the book, but you hate the wait for the next book. So that parts not actually the book's fault... it's the authors.
I hate roundabouts. If I was allowed to swear, it would be in a roundabout... at the people who don't know how to use them.
Have you ever had a phrase that you really wanted to use, but knew you'd probably never have a chance to use it? Mine is:
"Thou Recreant Knight!" I don't know exactly how anyone would use it actually, becuase it's a sentance fragment, but I really want to just yell it at someone, preferably a man on a horse... who is wearing armor.
The Squire's Tale:
Which brings me to my next subject. This is a good book. I promote it whole-heartedly, and all of it's sequels. Though, it may be hard to remember the whole title of these books, with titles like "The Squire, His Knight and His Lady", and the longest, "The Princess, the Crone and the Dung-Cart Knight". They are worth it though.
Which brings me to my last subject. I have decided who the perfect guy is, and I'll tell you.
His name is Jasedterlinfiyeris. You see, he is a combination of the following:
Jasper from Twilight, for his charm and because he's just cool.
Edward, from Twilight, for his good looks, and... well everything else.
Terence from "The Squire, His Knight and His lady" because he's hilarious.
Gaheris from "The Savage Damsel and the Dwarf" becuase he's protective.
Fiyero from "Wicked" because he's accepting.
Link Larkin from "Hairspray" because duh, he can sing.