Friday, July 11, 2008

Speeches, mints, and so much more.

I've come up with a new catch-phrase. You say it like "Hot dang!" But instead, you say, "Hot Snot!" It's like a combination of "Hot Dang", and "Holy Snot!". I don't really know if other people say that, but my family does. Here is the diagram of what you are supposed to do when you say it. You raise one of your arms, make a fist, and bring it down on "snot". I just realized how dignified this is.

The other day I realized that my computer's battery life has gone from 7 minutes, to 30 seconds. I don't know when it happened, but it concerns me. Pretty soon it's not even going to turn on because it can't suck enough power out of the wall. Or wherever it comes from.

I've been reading this article that was written by Henry David Thoreau. It's long. But I have found that if you read a speech out loud, with an accent, it's much more entertaining. Though you probably won't be able to remember anything you just read, it's still worth it, since, in this case, I wouldn't have remembered anything anyway.

Apparently, in our local newspaper, there is a cat journlist. Though, I'm having my doubts as to the fact if it is really a cat. I'll have to investigate. I can't help thinking of a cat with glasses, whose picture is above his newspaper column though.

I got a snow cone yesterday. I thought they were supposed to be like chunky, but apparently they have some new revolutionary mechanism to make the ice like actual SNOW. It's quite delicious. I really like the snow just plain. That's right, I know a person, who happens to own a snow cone shack, and she let me have FREE snow. Just the snow though. I don't know about the flavoring. Anyway, it was fun cause our friend was working, so we stood out there and talked to her for like 2 hours. A lady who was buying one worked at a bridal shop and asked if me or Candace was getting married anytime soon. I'm pretty sure my face said, "Are you crazy?" without any words actually coming out.

I had to watch "Footloose" for my civics class. It had something to do with standing up for your rights. Yeah, they were reaching.

I have a goal for the end of the year. I have decided to own 10 water bottles by the end of 2008. I currently have 4. Technically I have 5, but the fifth one was given to me by dad, and he has a reputation as an indian giver. Just kidding.... kind of.

I went golfing with dad the other day. Who knew I could actually improve from not playing for almost a year?

It's just like the gum epidemic all over again, except not. These are delicious and not poisoned. I think I may have felt sick because I ate almost an entire pack of the strawberry ones in the timespan of just a few hours.

When I become rich, I am going to buy a country with a state that is called "Mind". Then the governor can say "Hi, I'm the governor of the state of Mind." They'll think he's so mysterious and cool.

1 comment:

Elizabeth said...

Oh man, Catherine, this is my new favorite. You are hilarious. I love it. I love YOU. ;o) <--i like the smiley faces, plus at least mine is more anatomically correct, with eyes, a nose and a mouth. haha.